If you are lucky enough to pass the bar exam, you are invited to the Supreme Court of Missouri to take the oath of admission to the state bar exam. The oath was scheduled for last Friday in Jefferson City at the Supreme Court building itself.
I expected to enter the courtroom and see just one judge at the front. As we were waiting for the ceremony to start, the clerk of the court explained to us that the judges (plural!) would enter soon, there would be remarks, then the oath would be administered, then more remarks. After that, the president of the Missouri Bar Association would read each name and present the new lawyers with their license. Then more remarks and then we’d be done. It was a pretty involved ceremony!
I was so happy that we were finally at this point in the process. Of course, I took a ton of pictures.
Waiting for his parents, contemplating the oath. Or something.
His lawyer ad pose.
It was a beautiful law library in the court building.
Waiting for the justices to arrive.
Even though they spelled his name wrong, we still got the license.
A blurry picture, but it’s official!
The new lawyer and happy wife!
And his happy parents.
I have never been more proud of my new attorney-husband!