Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Adventures in a New (to me) Decade

Today is a very exciting day.

At 10:57 p.m. this evening, I will have been on this earth for exactly thirty years.


That seems like a huge number. It's a new decade. There's a new bigger number at the start of my age. I am no longer in my 20s.

A few weeks ago, I was apprehensive. People kept asking me what I wanted for my birthday (I never know) or what we should do to celebrate (I never have any ideas, even as event planner). The big 3-0 seemed to be looming and I didn't know what to do about it.

Growing up, I think that everyone looks to the ages of their friends parents or cousins or what have you and you imagine where you'll be at their age. 30 seemed very far away. But then again, I feel like I just turned 21 and made some really bad choices by accepting the Humphrey's birthday plunger that evening and then having to make it home up the hill outside the Laclede garage. ;)

I don't quite know where I thought I would be at 30. I always thought I would be married and perhaps I thought we might have kids at this point.

But in 30 years, I have had some amazing adventures. I've met the love of my life, traveled to Europe and Africa and all across the U.S, discovered my absolute obsession in Disney. I've been planning events (the ideal job for me, even if I didn't know it growing up) full time for almost six years. I've been a small business owner planning weddings for a year and a half. I've put a husband through law school and seen the joy in my love's eyes when he comes home happy from his day at the office. I bought a house.

Who knows what the next year, ten years, thirty years, sixty years holds? I know that I want to enjoy it. I want to travel the world with the love of my life. I want to expand our family. I want to end a day and actually complete all my to-do list.

I think I can make that happen.


  1. I can't wait to see what is next. HAPPY HAPPY Birthday Jess!

  2. There is still more fun to come! Hope you've had a great day!

  3. I'm so sorry I didn't make it out to celebrate with you last night. Hope you had a wonderful night and got completely spoiled!

  4. Happy, happy birthday lady! Here's to you - and the wonderful first 30 years!

  5. Happy birthday! You have accomplished so much!

  6. Oh! Sorry I missed this earlier, but happy 30th! I am right behind you and will celebrate mine next summer. Hope the next year and the next decade are amazing for you!
