Friday, June 14, 2013

Adventures in Law School Graduation


I am going to go out on a limb that I was the most proud wife of all time on Thursday, May 16. At the Chaivetz Arena, my husband officially accepted publicly his diploma as a Juris Doctor. An official lawyer.
It's beside the fact that he already had his real diploma at home, framed, and his gold bar membership card in his pocket.

This was Graduation Day.


It was a big deal! We had family in town - his parents, my mom, my brother, my cousin from KC and the nephew. Unfortunately, his brother and girlfriend had to work but they ended up coming to the party over the weekend so we could celebrate. But to be surrounded by all the SLU blue and the excitement for a graduate school commencement ceremony, it was amazing.


And yes, there were tears. I have never been more proud of my husband. He looked SO handsome in that beautiful black robe with blue and white master's hood. And that mortarboard! That's what did me in. That cap and the tassel. It was so official and final.


Although, I will admit, it's a bit strange that he had to take off from work that day to come to the ceremony. Kind of funny, but pretty darn awesome that he had a job already!

Now on to our next big adventure... :)


  1. Woohoo! So exciting, and that is a precious picture of the two of you!
