Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Adventures in New Year's Resolutions

Happy 2014! I simply cannot believe a year had passed.

This time last year, we were with friends at Innsbrook, enjoying the falling snow (which would cause some problems in leaving the resort the next day!) and celebrating Husband's final exams the month before. He had just finished his last semester of law school and was preparing for the Missouri Bar Exam.

2013 would see him take and pass the big scary test, get admitted to the State Bar in Jefferson City with a ceremony that made me cry, then we got to celebrate his accomplishment at SLU's commencement ceremony and a party with all our friends and our family.

Pretty awesome year, if I do say so myself. :)

Now looking on to 2014, it's got a lot to live up to. I'm not one who loves resolutions or hates them. Sometimes I make them and sometimes I don't.

Last week, I watched a TedX video by Laura Schwartz, an author and speaker, and former Director of Events at the White House (see the video here). She talks about "being present to win" - she's talking about winning something at a conference, something we're all familiar with, you drop your name into a bowl and they pull the winner's name at the end of the event.

She talks about how that same concept - being present to win - is also a life lesson. You have to show up - being in the moment. You have to look up - look up from your device screen and be there for experiences in your life.

This really resonated with me this year. My husband will tell you I'm addicted to my iDevices and that's probably true. But I'm also so busy that it's hard not to experience the moment.

So this year, in 2014, I'm going to be present to win. I'm going to be there in the moment, and not be worried about tomorrow's event, next week's meeting, or next month's vacation. I'm going to be present.

It's show time!

What's your New Year's resolution?


  1. You should check out the "2014 Directive" that Jessica @ Kate and Trudy blog has.... It's helping me set measurable, monthly goals - and for January I'm working on meeting small fitness goals every day! Happy New Year, and ere's to a fantastic 2014!

  2. Great resolution! I think 2014 is going to be a great year! I'm thinking I will be sticking with the word Enjoy. I think it still applies for this year too.

  3. Awesome resolution! I agree, I want to be more present in my life. I'm pretty good at putting down my phone, but then I just pick up a camera. I don't want to grow up hating the camera or for me to miss out on a moment because I feel the pressure of having to document every moment of our lives. I want to be more present that way. :) Happy new year, Jess!
